
Are You a Suitable Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?

Certain breast reconstruction procedures are far more complex than others, but they all require surgery, so it is vital that an individual having breast reconstruction surgery be in good health.

Overall health

Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis can increase your chances of developing infections and wound-healing issues because of the medicines used to treat them or the nature of the disease.


Smoking increases the chances of having complications following breast cancer removal and reconstruction surgery. Nicotine inhibits blood vessels which leads to less blood flow to the remaining breast skin and other tissues. This can lead to an increase in infections and wound healing problems after your breast reconstruction.

Realistic expectations

Every breast reconstruction case is unique, and not every patient can achieve optimal results through breast reconstruction. Having realistic expectations is very important to ensure that you are satisfied with your results. Your initial consultation should take place with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr Laniewski breast reconstruction surgery Sydney. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to look through photos of previous patients; who have required a similar breast reconstruction surgery to give you a better idea of what you can expect.

Nature of your breast cancer treatment

Breast reconstruction is only administered when it will not affect your breast cancer treatment your overall health and safety should always be a surgeon’s number one priority. Your breast cancer treatment may include a lumpectomy, mastectomy or chemotherapy before or after surgery, as well as radiation following your reconstruction. All of these treatments can affect what type of reconstruction you are suitable for, when you are able to have it, and may also impact the quality of the results.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The body mass index is a measurement relating your weight to your height. Individuals with a BMI more than 30 are technically considered obese, 25-29.9 is overweight, 18.5-24.9 is normal. In general, patients with a BMI more than 30 do not have as great an aesthetic result as individuals with a healthier BMI. Patients with a BMI of up to 40 may still be suitable candidates for microvascular free TRAM or DIEP flap breast reconstruction it just depends on how their fat is distributed.

Past surgical history

Past surgeries may actually prevent you from having certain types of breast reconstruction. Liposuction or a tummy tuck prevents your plastic surgeon from reconstructing your breasts with a DIEP, SIEA flap or TRAM. Some abdominal scars may also restrict your plastic surgeon from administering these operations.