
Why patient medical analysis is important for successful valuation?

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Before an operation, a patient must meet with his or her surgeon or primary care physician to carry out the preoperative patient guides and in some cases, this may occur within a month prior to the intervention. Professionals must check the health of the person in recent years to know how to treat a potential complication that takes place while it does not enjoy consciousness. One of the most important points in this regard is the history of allergies.

In addition to meeting with a doctor during the preoperative period, some hospitals request future surgery patients to meet with the nursing staff the week before the intervention, to answer another series of questions about their health. As in the first visit, certain physical exams are performed, in this case it is likely that complementary tests will be required.

Before the surgery

Once your health care provider determines that you need surgery, you will need to know some medical information details. Your health care provider or nurse must provide you with the following information – Who will participate in the surgery? Your healthcare provider will explain who will do the operation and who will make up the surgical team.

Your health care provider directs a team of medical professionals who will collaborate to meet your needs before, during and after the operation. A resident or a doctor who studies his specialization can also intervene during the surgery. The residents are doctors who have finished their medical studies. They receive special training in collaboration with their doctor. A physician in his specialization is a fully trained doctor who receives additional training in a specialized area. Sometimes anesthesia is administered by an anesthetist nurse who works under the direction of an anesthesiologist.

Health tips

There are several steps you can take before surgery to prevent setbacks and help you recover more quickly. Any period without smoking is beneficial. It is best if you stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery. If you use medications, ask either you should continue using them before or after the operation.

The anesthesiologist is another of the essential professionals during an operation and the preoperative can include a meeting with him. Finally, depending on certain conditions, the surgeon is likely to request the opinion of the following specialists:

A cardiologist, for patients older than 55 years, smokers, with a history of heart problems, with diabetes or hypertension, or even for those who do not have a good physical condition; A diabetologist, in case of diabetes or having obtained a high level of sugar in the examination of the preoperative consultation; A hematologist, for patients who have had clots blood.


The electrocardiogram is an examination of the functioning of the heart with the equipment which prints the results in the form of a graph. Tell your health care provider if there have been changes in your health, medications or symptoms before the operation, even if you have had colds or minor infections.